Saturday, August 22, 2009

Silly Lauren

Lauren has been cracking us up lately...

Last Saturday night, Kylee came and stayed the night with Lauren and they had a sleepover in the living room. I made them a bed on the floor and they fell asleep watching Sleeping Beauty. In the middle of the night, Travis and I were awakened by Miss Lauren standing next to our bed wanting to crawl in with us. She didn't even really make a was so funny!

That same night that Kylee stayed the night, the girls took a tubby together. I went in to wash Lauren's hair and Kylee was teaching Lauren what a duck says. She was doing this really funny Donald Duck impression (without saying anything, just making the noise he makes) and Lauren kept copying her. Now she does it all the time! Last night I was getting her tubby ready and as she was throwing her toys in, she picked up her rubber ducky, looked at it straight in the face, made the duck noise Kylee had taught her, and threw it in the tub! Hysterical!

I was getting ready for work this morning and Lauren was walking around saying "no no no no no no no no no" just randomly. When I dropped her off at daycare this morning, they were listening to a song that went "no no no no no, yes yes yes yes yes" over and over and over. Hmmmmm...wonder where she got it from?

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