Sunday, November 30, 2008

Poor Baby Girl...

Poor baby girl has a ear infection...we had to take her the Emergency Room on Friday afternoon. She was running a fever of 104 degrees while she was home with Travis on Friday so I came home from work early and we took her in. We found out she has an ear infection and they started her on antibiotics. It was so sad watching her be so uncomfortable. She was lethargic, couldn't lift her head, couldn't open her eyes, and cried the entire night. Her fever finally broke about 3 a.m. and she took a bottle and went to sleep. She felt fairly good on Saturday, though she woke up with a swollen left eye (see picture above) and a slight fever again. She had a decent evening, even ate some cereal and green beans, then ran a fever again and cried until falling asleep. She only slept about 30 min's before she woke up fussy again and couldn't get comfortable.

Today she is miserable again and is sleeping with Daddy at the moment. She just can't find a position that feels good and only wants to be held or touched (so that she knows you are close by). It's so sad to know that there is not much you can do for them except cuddle with them and try to comfort them.

1 comment:

The Stemps said...

Hey Elissa! Its Katie!! I'm sorry your gorgeous girl is feeling bad. I hope shes feeling better. So glad I found you!! :)