Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Lauren's First Camping Trip

We went camping on our annual camping trip to Mottet...well almost Mottet...over the 4th of July and Lauren did AWESOME!

I say almost Mottet because we couldn't actually get to Mottet due to snow still being on the ground, so we camped a little further down the mountain in a different spot this year. We arrived on Thursday afternoon and unloaded all our stuff. My Dad was kind enough to let us use his tent trailer since it has more room and a heater that runs off propane since we were expecting some pretty cold temps at night. Lauren and I went to bed that first night around 10 or so and she only woke up once to eat around 3 am.

Travis made me breakfast of my choice for my birthday on the 4th. We had french toast and bacon and eggs. He also gave me a beautiful card and got creative and made me some coupons for massages. Also had a message in the card from Lauren thanking me for being such a good Mommy. My first birthday with a baby....aaaaaahhhhhh.

The boys went riding on some trails and Travis and Stephen came back to camp with road rash on their arms and backs and legs. Silly boys...I don't understand it.

On the last night we were there, we lost about half our camp so we had a pretty chill night. We attempted a group photo, setting the camera on a timer on the hood of Josh and Carla's Tahoe and when we looked at the photo, there were two people who had turned around and pulled down their pants for the camera. No it wasn't Travis. It was Stephen and Stacee.....and they were hysterical about the whole thing.

All in all it was a pretty fun trip, though I wish we had been at Mottet. At Mottet there is an outhouse/toilet and a stream with pretty decent water. At this place, there was neither. Except Josh made a toilet for everyone. I will try and get a picture of that and put it on here too.

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