I was consistently measuring about one and a half weeks early so my due date was "changed" to January 31st instead of February 7th. I worked everyday up until the 30th and was just done. I couldn't even function anymore. I was not thinking clearly, I was exhausted, I was in pain...all pretty typical symptoms but not very fun ones. I went to my appointment on the 30th and the doctor told me it was going to be ANYTIME. I was dilated to 3cm and was 60-70% effaced. Travis was still working out of town and that was stressing me out even more and the doctor knew it. So while I was at my appointment, she called Labor and Delivery at Kadlec to see when the earliest day was that they could get me in for an induction. Saturday. I had never heard such sweeter words. If I didn't go into labor on my own (which I was already in non-active labor) I would get to go in on Saturday...but only if they weren't too busy. The woman I spoke to in L&D told me they would start making phone calls at 6:00 a.m.
Saturday rolled around and still no baby. I was so frustrated and grumpy on Saturday too. I didn't get my phone call all day and I was really stressing that it just wasn't going to happen. I kept bugging Travis to get his bag packed and he just took a nap on the couch instead. I finally got Lauren to take a little snooze around 4:00 in the afternoon...and then my phone rang. It was the nurse asking me if I was ready to have a baby. She said they were able to get me in because another woman declined her induction due to the Super Bowl being the next day. HECK YES I was ready! The nurse told me I needed to be there by 5:00. I woke Travis up and he quickly packed his bag and loaded the car up. I called my Mom and told her we were on our way to drop Lauren off with her and we were on our way.
Once I was in the hospital bed and hooked up to the monitors and registered, I got my iv with fluids and pitocin. Then the anesthetist came in and gave me my epidural. That guy was a hoot and made me feel so comfortable (considering I was shaking like crazy and so scared we were going to have a repeat of when I was in labor with Lauren). After that, Dr. Sizemore came in and checked me and then broke my water. They turned up the dose on the pitocin and we were in business! I dilated to 4cm in about an hour and a half. Things were moving along really well so we thought we'd better try and get some sleep. Trisha couldn't sleep so she hung out and watched tv while Travis and I tried to rest. About a half hour later I was REALLY feeling some pressure and I could feel my contractions so the nurse came in and checked me again and I was already at 6 cm. I was shaking so bad and was having some really wierd pains and even more pressure...it was crazy. The nurse was still in the room charting my progress in the computer when I told her I felt something strange "down there". It had only been about 20 minutes since she last checked me, but good thing she did. I was 10 cm dilated and 100% effaced and READY TO PUSH!! It was absolutely crazy insane how fast that all happened.
Dr. Sizemore came in and they got me all ready to go. It was 3 contractions and she was out. It was amazing and beautiful and wonderful all at the same time. My little girl was here and in my arms. I'm so in love with her and can't wait to share her with the world!
1 comment:
Everyone who sees that pic of you at the top thinks that it looks exactly like me. Everyone being Josh and Katie - the important ones :)
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