Thursday, April 24, 2008

And still Waiting...

Good news! I went to the Doctor last week and was not dilated at all, nor was my cervix doing anything. I went to the Doctor yesterday, and I am now 60% effaced and 2 cm dilated! Obviously going back to work has done well for me.

I get daily phone calls from my Mom and if I don't call her by a certain time (3:15 on the dot) she gets really angry with me. Today she told me that I HAVE to call her like I used to HAVE to do when I was in high-school. She's being really I wouldn't call my Mom if I was in labor? Next time I'll fake her out...

Travis' Mom bought her plane ticket and will be here at the end of May and will stay until the end of June. Works out perfect so that she can spend time with Lauren when I go back to work part-time in June. Then I plan on going back to work full-time in July...after the 4th I think. I've been working everyday for about 5 hours a day...and then doing some work at home as well.

My boss has been so wonderful during the last month with all of this. Especially considering he is going through a rough time right now as well. His 26 year old daughter who lives in Denver with her husband has just found out that she has Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (sp?) and has been having chemo treatments done via her brain. Crazy stuff they are doing these days. Little stressful at the pharmacy right now, but we are getting through it. I tell my co-workers all the time that we will look back on this in a few months and laugh. Well, I will anyway. :)

Guess that's all for now, and I will try to post something everyday from here on out!

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